How Coaching Works.
Coaching is a co-created partnership. It is a journey of discovery during which we explore, experiment and learn.
Coaching is a series of flowing but guided conversations with a direction and a destination in mind.
Along the way you will (re-)discover what is important, your most desired outcomes, your strengths, beliefs, hotspots and blind spots, your personality patterns and your historical shaping. We’ll look at how you are under pressure, we’ll look at gaps. We might use formal self-assessment tools or psychometrics, and in corporate settings, stakeholder conversations. Much will emerge during coaching sessions.
We build a picture of of who and how you are and how that influences your actions and results. You will learn and build a strong foundation for new learning.
You will develop new awareness, skills, capablities and neural pathways.
You’ll generate new assessments and narratives and you’ll have a different handle on the value and contribution of your emotions. You will develop the capacity to manage your internal landscape, your response under pressure, your capacity to consistently act in alignment with your values. Your values may even change.
Personal development requires new practice. Being clear on what we want is one thing, being able to bring that to life is another. We build in new practices that in time create new conscious habits. Your repertoire of skills and capacity for new action with grow. You will find that you can make different assessments that shift your thinking.
New practices replace existing ways of getting things done and unhelpful habits begin to fade into the background. New practices bridge that gap between how you know or want to be as a leader, and how you actually are.
The final phase is to begin to embody new practices into your nervous system, your way of being.
The neural pathways need to become consciously habitual.
Embodiment, is a word that we understand but find hard to define. We are all embodied beings in some way, and in many ways we are dis-embodied. This however, is not a conversation for here. Suffice to say that the ultimate objective is to support you in embodying the new behaviours, skills, beliefs that emerge.
You will become the embodiment of the new learning and growth that you are seeking. I promise that this work will change the way you observe yourself and your place in the world around you forever.
The Programmes.
I work with a both self-funding and corporately sponsored clients. Programme organisation and pricing will vary, but this below gives an idea of how it might work.
6 sessions over 4 months, 90/120 mins duration with reasonable 24/7 support on email or text.
Corporately sponsored clients will also be engaged with three way wrap around conversations with key sponsor and others stakeholders as necessary.
6-9 month programme.
Delivers coaching to move the client towards a significant change in their very being. Not less than 9 coaching sessions, with ongoing support which could include check-in calls, practice check ins. email/texts.
Three way wrap around conversations with key sponsor and other stakeholders as necessary for corporately sponsored clients and a three month post programme review and refresher session.
Usually comprised of at least 2 or 3 face to face sessions, followed by a day intensive and further face to face coaching conversations. An intensive programme maybe of shorter duration, with sessions spaced more closely together and will only be offered if I assess that the work to be done can be paced and absorbed appropriately.
For corporately sponsored clients, three way wrap around conversations with key sponsor and other stakeholder s conversations as necessary.
Coaching normally takes place in person, but in the current climate, coaching using conferencing/telephone is the most appropriate mode. We may agree to structure blocks of time differently to account for the impact of working remotely.