Mend My Life - The Journey by Mary Oliver

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Do you like poetry? Did you sit hrough school listening to poetry you didn’t understand with words that didn’t make sense? With images that seemed dark and unfathomable. And the whole thing was boring!

That was my poetry experience at school. Except for limericks. I did like a good limerick, fun to make up and read aloud.

Inspired by a post I saw on LinkedIn about dreams, plans and goals, I heard the line ‘Mend My Life’ in my head.

A line from the poem The Journey by Mary Oliver. For me, it’s a poem about the power of change and transition. How there is something that burns deep within, that has a forward movement. How we move towards that something, breaking free from the ties that would bind

'Mend my life' those ties shout at you. And you step forwards, with determination and courage.

I’ve not been one for organising the trajectory of my life around tightly bound plans. But I have been blessed with a sense of direction, knowing what my first step would be at 16, my next steps by 30, a dream for 40, and now for 70. Something about life path working within. And I know how fortunate that is. There is here, as Mary Oliver says, a journey of sorts

Have you been blessed with such a journey?